
SYNQ SC-15 Dunk!ed by SWANS !

16 June 2017

During Dunk!Festival 2017 the monitorline on the main stage was supported by 15 pieces of our brand new SYNQ SC-15 in combination with SQ-218 subs for drum- and side fills.

SWANS, the headliner of the festival was the ultimate test for our SYNQ speakers.
As an American experimental punk-rock band from the eighties, they are world famous for their painfully loud sound volumes during concerts.
With their back line producing continuous 125 dBA on stage and their front man Michael Girade known as exceptional high demanding, the big challenge was to meet their Technical Rider requirements.
But our SYNQ SC-15 ‘s powered by DIGIT 3K6 amps got the exhausting job done without any hesitating!
Michael his shamanic sounds and gigantic voice was brought to a 10 dB higher stage level with a glance and this for their whole 2 ½ hours show.

After the gig Michael and his bandmembers thanked us for the stunning accuracy and low distortion of the SC-15 monitors. DUNKED!
